Author: Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn ul-Qayyim.
Publisher: Al-Kitaab & As-Sunnah Publishing (01-Sep-01)
Pages: 110
This Book is instrumental in explaining the true Methodology of adherence to Allaah’s Book, His Messenger’s (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) Sunnah, and the Guidance of the sahaabah. True to this well-known insightful approach in delving into the texts, ibn ul-Qayyim starts by explaining the qualities of righteousness and piety that are required from everyone, both in practise and in da’wah. He then proceeds to describe the true meaning of migration to Allaah and his Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam), discussing in the process full submission to the Messenger’s (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) Sunnah as an integral requirement of eemaan. He then goes on to deliberate on the situations of true misery and true happiness. Toward the end, he stipulates the requirements of the Journey of Migration, presenting along the way some very important insights for sound comprehension of the Qur’aan. In addition to its valuable methodological coverage, this book is very touching in its address to the soul and heart. This is a characteristic that you rarely find in writings of other authors. May Allaah reward Ibn ul-Qayyim profusely.
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